Be Yr Mama
Text File
Be yr mama
Tuning 'D G C f a d'
(1 and 2 mean different guitars)
1 �--------------------------5----7--�---------------------------5----7--
� * Guitar 2 is not played the first time through
2 �----------------------------------�-----------------------------------
(In the following section, after the vocals have started, Guitar 1
changes every two times through. Rather then waste space by notating
it unabridged, I have shown the other two changes right below this
1 �---4----4----4-----0----------4---�---4----4----4-----0----------4----
2 �----------------------------------�-----------------------------------
sl (2)
I know what is going on here.......
1 �------7-------7--7---4---5---4----�------7-------7---4--4--5--5--4----
2 �----------------------------------�-----------------------------------
(repeat from beg. of song)
sl sl
1 �----------------------------------�-----------------------------------
2 �----------------------------------�-----------------------------------
sl Just a little more... sl
1 �----------------------------------�-----------------------------------
2 �----------------------------------�-----------------------------------
(As this section progresses, there are minor picking changes made by
guitar 1. Also, towards the end of this section, guitar 1 does the
slides more often. As always, listen to the song for details.)
Repeat all over again