Miss You
Rolling Stones
Text File
Rolling Stones
Miss You
bass tab
0.00 intro t:120
0.28 verse 1
0.45 theme 1 ^
1.03 verse 2a
1.20 verse 2b
1.38 theme 2
1.55 chorus 1
2.13 bridge
2.48 theme 3
3.05 solo 1
3.23 verse 3
3.49 theme 4
4.15 outro
standard tuning (EADG)
| / slide up
| \ slide down
| . incidental note (usually open string)
| ^ pre-struck note (hammer-on, pull-off)
| = rest
| X 10
| E 11
| T 12
| H 13
| F 14
other punctuation
= percussion cues
horizontal time standardized
display in fixed-width font
one space ("-") = 1/16 note
tabbed by
this one's got that...
in the pocket old school
funk soul blues thing...
everybody talkin bout...
n it's not pop per-se...
except this is where pop gets its
whatever it has from this... from
...but it is... poppin...
it establishes the whole attitude
like you could play this real fast that snap-pop thump whatever
n it'd blow yer silly lil mind
hafta change the rhythm scheme
...which is what it's doing...
it's the nature o its being...
total groove environment, here
like skateboarding on autopilot
every note played soft, casually...
n nope... notta care in the universe...
despite underlying melancholy minor key
intentionally ignoring any stressing...
...octave walks, pentatonic phrasing...
all kindsa technique laden in this tune
havin alotta fun jus just messin around
sorry if it seems all squashed together
and there's letters instead of numbers
for 2 digit frets... in some places...
...after awhile you get used to it...
the thing is... it fits on one screen you can sight-read them
...without memorizing, really
n it actually helps with that