Text File
Axilla II - Phish
Tabbed By : Pauly S
Intro part:
^ means the note is bent up a half step. This part is like the beginning of johnny b. goode.
Verse part:
~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~
~ means to add some vibrato by bending the string slightly.
intro 4X
verse 4X
G7, F#7
intro 4X
verse 2X
G7, F#7
wait on F chord for 8 "Axilla" 's.
Page's solo--play intro 8X (there are a few variations on this, but I'm too lazy to put them here.)
Eb Bb Ab Bb 4X last time go to F instead of Bb and wait for 6 axilla's.
intro 4X
"axilla" 8X (F chord)
intro 4X
The songs ends up on a Bb, then goes into that weird part at the end.
The chords are G7 and F#7, picked instead of strummed. You're
on your own for that spooky guitar overdub.
| / slide up
| \ slide down
| h hammer-on
| p pull-off
| ~ vibrato
| + harmonic
| x Mute note