Forget Me Not
Patrice Rushen
Text File
"Forget Me Not" by Patrice Rushen
There are just two differently-chorded parts to this song:
f#m7 f#m7 DM7 DM7 EM EM c#m7 c#m7
sending you for-get me nots
DM7 DM7 bm7 bm7 g#m7b5 g#m7b5 C#7#9 C#7#9
to help me to re-mem - ber
DM7 DM7 DM7 DM7 bm7 bm7 EM EM
those were the ti-imes we had
f#m7 f#m7 f#m7 f#m7 f#m7 f#m7 f#m7
sharing a joy that we tho-ught wo-uld la-ast
Keep the chords beating on even 8ths, and sing the lyrics
approximately according to their spacial placement here.
Also, listening to the song would be extremely helpful.
Here are the chords, as I've figured them. Number on the
bottom indicates the fret, "X" means "don't play that
string", number indicate corresponding finger. Omit some
notes, exchange barres for fingertips, etc -- use free-
form. Convention says "minor chord letters in lower case,
major chord letters in upper case". the letter "b" means
f#m7 - f sharp minor 7
DM7 - D major 7
EM - E major
c#m7 - c sharp minor 7
bm7 - b minor 7
g#m7b5 - g sharp minor 7 flat 5
C#7#9 - C sharp 7 sharp 9
Jazz up the rhythm -- the aforementioned "even 8th"s are
just for demonstration purposes.
Figured out by Matthew Teigen, with his mp3 player and
acoustic guitar. My contribution to the internet.
AIM - luminousturtle