In Repair
Our Lady Peace
Text File
Our Lady Peace - In Repair
Tabbed By: Jai "Manhole" Sadler
YO, OLP rulez! Doucan Coutes writes some messed up bass riffs.
I couldn't find any of their new songs out here, so i made my first
tab one of theirs. This is the outline of the song. It can
be played like this and it sounds good, but Douncan adds alot
of variatons. This song is easy to use with variations. Have
fun wit it!
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
G :-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
D :-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
A :-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
E :0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0|0-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3|3-3-9-9-9-9-9-9-9|9-8-9------------|
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
G :-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
D :-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
A :2h3-3-3--3-3-2h3-|3-3--3-3-2h3-3-3-|3-3-2h3-\5-5--5-5|5----------------|
E :-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
G :-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
D :-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
A :-----------------|-----------------|----5-5-5-5-5-5-5|5-5-5-0-0-0-0-0-0|
E :0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0|0-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3|3-3--------------|-----------------|
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
G :-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
D :-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
A :0-0-0-0-3-3-3-3-3|3----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
E :-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
Song Layout:
Verse x2
Prechorus x2
Chorus x2
Verse x3
Prechorus x2
Chorus x2
Pause while Raine speaks
Chorus Repeat until end.
Tabbed By: Jai "Manhole" Sadler