That Thing You Do
Text File
Yes, if you have looked up this song you obviously appreciate how amazing this movie was
and how great tom hanks is!!! i swear everything that guy says is hilarious!! anyway, i
went through the bass tabs looking for one that will match the entire song and you know
what, there were a few that worked, but mostly incomplete or with complicated fingering,
this is the basic form of the bass for this song and u play it start to finish, ive heard
someone play it and it sounds awesome!!!!! hope you enjoy it, play it through a
few times and listen to it and u will soon be playing this classic song!
any questions comments or even corrections!! or hey if u just wanna chat e-mail me or
add me at i love hering your responses!
Song: That Thing You Do
Artist: The Wonders
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 4 (solo)
Verse 5