Samael The Destroyer
Text File
Song: Samael The Destroyer
Band: Oceano
Album: Depths
Tuning: Drop A
Propably the brutalest song on earth. There is no solo yet.
And there was no tab for this song. So i tried to make the
best with it. Enjoy and leave me a comment or correct
the wrong parts if there is one.
Intro thing. You know how it goes
B |--------------|
D |--------------|
A |--------------|
E |--0------0----|
A |--1------1----|
Then comes the sick part with the palm muted dissonant notes
Play it 4 times
Little break
Next riff. Play every part 2 times
Then comes the TREMOLO riff
After this one comes the slammy riff
The second time you play this you make
a squeal with the low A string, third fret
After this one you go like:
Then you know what happens after that riff.
Just whammy bar that shit down to hell and play
this breakdown:
After the second time you do that squeal on the low A string,
third fret again.
There is a similar riff like that breakdown. Just play open A string
notes instead of the dissonant ones. Then do that squal again
and play the whole breakdown riff and let the notes ring out. You should
be clever enough to know what i mean ;)
Let those notes ring out. Play it over and over again until
you get diarrhoea.
At the end you play this to death:
That's it! ENJOY
Buy "Depths"! It's worth the money!