
Summoning Redemption

Morbid Angel

Text File

S U M M O N I N G R E D E M P T I O N ====================================== - morbid angel tabbed by jAgg < luv_2_h8@hotmail.com > tuning: Bb, Fb, Bb, Eb, Gb, Cb (see below) For those of you who are used to playing morbid angel tunes you will know that they actually play on a seven-string guitar tuned to Bb, which is Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Bb, Eb. However i dont have a seven string guitar, and i can't be bothered to tune the other strings down one step further, so mine is in dropped Bb. This means that the chords will be easier to play. but, if you wish to play using the proper morbid angel tuning, just imagine all the notes on Fb and the high Bb to be 2 frets up (e.g. '0' becomes '2' and so forth) < by the way this song completely blows away anything else in the way of death metal, as do morbid angel as a band. :D > here are the riffs:::: fig 1. ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ---------0000----------------------- -00001111----66666666333355553333--- fig 2. ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ --------4-/-6----------------------- -1---0--2-/-4---4---3--------------- -1---0----------4---3--------------- fig 3. ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ -1-3-1--3---1-3-1-3-1--3-3---------- -1-3-1--3---1-3-1-3-1--3-3---------- fig 4a. (guitar 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------1111-------------4--------------11------11----- -0000111111112222----111100000000--444422222222----2222----2222- fig 4b. (guitar 2) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------3--------------------------------------------- --0---1-------2---1---1---0--------4-4---2-------1-2------1-2--- --0---1-------2-------1---0----------4---2---------2--------2---
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