Lord Of All Fevers And Plague
Morbid Angel
Text File
Lord Of All Fevers And Plague
>From the album 'Altars of Madness'
Tabbed by Bobby Rafuse (
Tuning - Eb
/ - slide up
\ - slide down
pm - palm mute
sb - slight bend
r - release bend
h - hammer on
p - pull off
~ - vibrato
" - tremolo pick
*NOTE* There are alot of riffs I'm unsure of. The sound on Altars
makes things a little hard to hear so I had to refer to Entangled In Chaos
for some of them but I'm still unsure of a few. Hope it works out or
helps you out a little bit. I'll mark down the one's I'm unsure of. Also,
I suck at timings so you'll have to listen to the song for a better feel.
Any corrections or additions is welcome.
Intro A (3x's) (unsure)
pm .
Intro B (unsure)
Riff 1
pm .. ......
Riff 2 (unsure)
Riff 3
pm .
Riff 4a (unsure)
pm. . . .
Riff 4b (unsure)
pm. . . .
Riff 5
Riff 6 (solo rhythm)
that's all the riffs ppl. I'm horrible at lead so unfortunately, there
won't be any solos (tabbed by me at least). Sorry.