Love Me Sexy - Sour Doe
Misc Unsigned Bands
Text File
this goes out to anyone that has done this to anyone, and if you havn't we are
going to tell you how its done
lead guitar/back up vocals:Joey (guitar I)
rythem guitar/lead vocals:Devan (guitar II)
song title======== sour doe
by, "love me sexy" (and yes, we know that is off of a movie)
intro: guitar I
verses: guitar I
Da Hook: guitar I & guitar II
verse: guitar I
Da Hook: guitar I & guitar II
verse: guitar I
Da Hook: guitar I & guitar II
Break down: guitar I & guitar II
Slightly Pm................................
Super double guitar break down: guitar I & guitar II
the greatest ending: guitar I & guitar II
and that is how you sour doe by "love me sexy"
we will post up the lyrics in a little