The Silence
Mayday Parade
Text File
Sick of guitar? Just have some Tylernol and you'll be loving it again in no time!:D
To everyone who sees this, this is my first tab, but i can't take full credit, i did use
others tabs already made before this one a little bit, and i did watch some videos, but
bothered me is that i couldnt find anything that had the higher guitar riffs, so i did
of that plus some other parts by ear :D. Those parts may not be exactly right, but
your playing with another person on guitar and a drummer, it sounds just fine.
1. i only showed which chords are played, not how many times there played, so please
sit there playing each of them once and thinking the guy who tabbed this is an idiot (y) (i
however show the amount each chord is played during the bridge.
2. Anytime i tell you the timing, it is not the actual timing in the song, its just
to help you proportion the amount of time each chord/note is played.
Ok well thats it, if theres anything wrong witht he tab dont be afraid to tell me, and
theres anything i can do to make it more understandable, like adding in part of the
to help the timing(i dont really think that is all that necessary, just listen the song,
can figure it out :D) then message me, and most importantly, dont forget to rate :D!
|---------------------------| X4 (Both or one guitar can do this)
| (Palm muted) | | (Palm muted) |
| | | |
| | |(Tremolo Picking)|
|--------------|------------------------------|-----------------|(Instead of 7--|
|--------------|------------------------------|--5---2---7---3------------------| you can do 2 on
|---(Either do nothing, or the same as the ---|---------------------------------| the high e
|------------ other guitar above)-------------|---------------------------------| string, also
|--------------|------------------------------|-----------------| can do 0------| on e,
|--------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------| instead of 5)
|-----------------| ----- -----
|-----------------| ----- -----
|--4--------------| ----- -----
|--4--5--2--5---x-| (Or instead of --x-- you can play --0-- palm muted)
|--2--5--2--5---x-| --x-- --0--
|-----5--2--5---x-| --x-- --0--
| |
|(Tremolo Picking)|
|-----------------|(Here you can also do 2 on the high e string, instead of 7 on
|-----------------| the b string, also can 0 on e instead of 5)
| 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2
|-----------|--------------|-----------|---------------|(These chords obviously
|-----------|--------------|-----------|---------------| go through more
|-----------|--------------|-----------|---------------| measures in the song than
|--5--7--9--|--2--0--5--2--|--5--7--9--|�-7--5--7------| shown, but pretend each
|--5--7--9--|--2--0--5--2--|--5--7--9--|--7--5--7------| measure is 4 beats and the
|--5--7--9--|--2--0--5--2--|--5--7--9--|--7--5--7------| beats for each chord is
| | | | | above)
| ( T R E M O L O P I C K I N G ) |
|-----------|--------------|-----------|---------------| (Number beats for each note
|-----0--2--|--2-----------|-------0---|--0--3---------| is the same as the chord it
|--2--------|--------------|--0--2-----|---------------| is lined up with, in the
|-----------|--------------|-----------|---------------| measures where there isn�t as
|-----------|--------------|-----------|---------------| many notes as chords,
|-----------|--------------|-----------|---------------| continue the last/only note
to the end of the measure)
| | | |
| |(Tremolo Picking)| |
|--(Do nothing or do the same--|--5---2---7---3--|--(Do nothing or do the same--|
|--as the other guitar)--------|-----------------|--as the other guitar)--------|
|-----------------| ----- -----
|-----------------| ----- -----
|--4--------------| ----- -----
|--4--5--2--5---x-| (Or instead of --x-- you can play --0-- palm muted)
|--2--5--2--5---x-| --x-- --0--
|-----5--2--5---x-| --x-- --0--
| |
|(Tremolo Picking)|
|-----------------|(Here you can also do 2 on the high e string, instead of 7 on
|-----------------| the b string)
| 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2
|-----------|--------------|-----------|---------------|(These chords obviously
|-----------|--------------|-----------|---------------| go through more
|-----------|--------------|-----------|---------------| measures in the song than
|--5--7--9--|--2--0--5--2--|--5--7--9--|--7--5--7------| shown, but pretend each
|--5--7--9--|--2--0--5--2--|--5--7--9--|--7--5--7------| measure is 4 beats and the
|--5--7--9--|--2--0--5--2--|--5--7--9--|--7--5--7------| beats for each chord is
| | | | | above)
| ( T R E M O L O P I C K I N G ) |
|-----------|--------------|-----------|---------------| (Number beats for each note
|-----0--2--|--2-----------|-------0---|--0--3---------| is the same as the chord it
|--2--------|--------------|--0--2-----|---------------| is lined up with, in the
|-----------|--------------|-----------|---------------| measures where there isn�t as
|-----------|--------------|-----------|---------------| many notes as chords,
|-----------|--------------|-----------|---------------| continue the last/only note
to the end of the measure)
| |
| |
|------------------|---(Do nothing or---|
|------------------|---do what the------|
|--9999--12121212--|---other guitar is--|
| | |
| | |
|------------------|--7----------5---3------| (Play all the 7�s in between the
|--(do nothing or--|--7-7-7-7----7-7-7------| chords softly so they sound like an
|--do what the-----|--0-------X3-0---0------| echo, and try to make each chord ring
|--other guitar is-|------------------------| to help cover the 7�s, or just don�t
|--doing)----------|------------------------| play any of the 7�s because you can
|------------------|------------------------| hardly hear them anyway :P)
|---(Do nothing or do---|
|---what the other------|
|---guitar is doing)----|
| |
| (Tremolo picking) |
|-----------------------|(Again, the 7 can be played on 2 on the high e string)
|-------------------2---|(The last 2 notes should be played for half the time
|-----------------------| as the first 3, like if the first 3 notes were each 1
|-----------------------| beat, the last 2 notes would only � a beat)
|-----------------| ----- -----
|-----------------| ----- -----
|--4--------------| ----- -----
|--4--5--2--5---x-| (Or instead of --x-- you can play --0-- palm muted)
|--2--5--2--5---x-| --x-- --0--
|-----5--2--5---x-| --x-- --0--
| |
|(Tremolo Picking)|
|-----------------| (The last note should be played twice as long as the first 2
|-----------------| notes, like if this was in a measure that was 4 beats, the
|-----------------| first 2 notes would each be 1 beat and the 3rd note would be 2
|-----------------| beats)
| 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2
| | | | | (As you can see
| ( T R E M O L O P I C K I N G ) | here, the timing is
|--5--------|--7-5----10-9-7-5--|--5----10--|--5-----9--10------| different from the
|-----------|-------------------|-----------|-------------------| other chorus, but
|-----------|-------------------|-----------|-------------------| just look how the
|-----------|-------------------|-----------|-------------------| notes line up with
|-----------|-------------------|-----------|-------------------| the chords above,
|-----------|-------------------|-----------|-------------------| and some of them
start in-between)
|-4-4-4---------2-2-2-----2--X4|---------------------------| (Both or one guitar
|------------------------------|--9999--12121212--7--5~~~--| can do this)