Through The Belly Of Damnation
Text File
Band: Marduk
Album: Rom 5.12
Song: Through the Belly of Damnation
Copyright (c) Blooddawn 2007
Version 1.0 - April/June 2007
Transcribed By: RedScorpion
. - palm mute / - slide up to
\ - slide down to ~ - vibrato
h - hammer on b - Bend
p - pull off Suffixes for bend
t - tap f - full bend h - half bend
ph - pinched harmonic q - quarter bend t - tap bend
* - see comment ^ - Hold bend r release bend
x - Stuccatto ~ - vibrato bend
, - slight palm mute () - ghost note, sustained note
" - tremolo note - Trill
Tuning E A D G B E
This tab is done for 1 guitar only, however on the cd there
is a second guitar fooling around in the background over some
of these riffs, its mostly octaves and some harmonies so no
need to tab it.
Riff A
Riff B
Riff A repeat
Bass break
Riff C (2nd guitar plays same riff, one octave lower)
Riff D
Riff A repeat
Riff E
Riff B repeat
Riff F
Riff G
Riff D repeat
Riff A repeat
Riff E repeat
Riff B repeat