Sex Amp Candy
Marcy Playground
Text File
marcy playground
sex and candy
album: marcy playground
submitted by m. burgess
This is exactly how the song goes, some of the timing may be
off but the notes are exactly right.
Verse 1 x - 4 Chorus x - 3
Verse 2 x - 4 Chorus X - 3
x - 2
||---5--5-|-7--7-3-3-3|-5--5-7--7-|-3--3- ||-3-3-3-3-|-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-|
Verse 3 x - 4 Chorus X - 3
until the end of the song
Explinations - ||
||* Repeat-follow the number above the staff
(R-x#) Rest times the number