
As One


Text File

Artist: Knuckledust Song: As One Author: Dave Ogden I Only got the intro to this track i think i know the rest but i aint sure so once i figure it ill post it, if u get it before me let me know. Intro G----------------------- D----------------------- A----------------------- E-000-555-33-66666666--- I know some of you will have seen the tab and thought "Sweet! A Knuckledust tab", then been really annoyed when u saw it was crap but this is the first song i ever tabbed and therefore is liable to be cack! As Usual if u know anymore of this tab please get intouch with me and also if you have any other tabs by bands like Stampin' Ground, Dillinger Escape Plan, Hatebreed and Downset lemme know. e-mail: Posi-Dave@out-and-out.co.uk ICQ: 70703362
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