
Taper Jean Girl

Kings Of Leon

Text File

Tabbed by: matty_ireland (http://profile.ultimate-guitar.com/matty_ireland) PLEASE RATE THIS! THANKS! Favourite Kings of Leon song this one, but no one seems to have tabbed it right yet! The song is pretty simple and I have tabbed lead and ryhthm for it but I do not know the bass so you may have to work that one out for yourselves! The format of the song is Intro Verse 1 Chorus 1 Link 1 Verse 2 Chorus 2 Link 2 Verse 3 Chorus 3 Outro CALEB (rhythm) plays this variation of a D chord all through the song up until the outro (he only plays it continuously in the intro with Matthew and strikes the chord once at the start of Verse 1 & 2): e--16--| b--17--| g--16--| The intro and verse for MATTHEW (lead) is also quite simple: e---------------------------------------| b---------------------------------------| g---------------------------------------| d---------------------------------------| a--7-9-11--11-11-11--7-9-11--11-11-11---| E--0-0--0--0--0--0---0-0--0--0---0--0---| e---------------------------------------] b---------------------------------------] g---------------------------------------] d--11-9-11--11-11-11--11-9-11--11-11-11-] a---0-0--0---0--0--0---0-0--0---0--0--0-] E---------------------------------------] (This is played for Intro Verse 1 & 2 and Link 1) The chorus is only played by MATTHEW. The ~ means let the chord ring out): e--------------] b--------------] g--------------] x4 d--9-9-9-7~~~~-] a--7-7-7-5~~~~-] E--0-0-0-0~~~~-] (This is played in Chorus 1,2 & 3) In Link 2 and Verse 3 Caleb plays his chord throughout and MATTHEW plays this through both aswell (both go back to normal Chorus playing for Chorus 3). e--12------------] b-----14---------] g--------13-11-9-] d----------------] a----------------] E----------------] In the Outro CALEB plays this: e-0-0-0-0000-0-0-0-0-] b-0-0-0-0000-0-0-0-0-] g-1-1-1-1111-1-1-1-1-] d-2-2-0-0022-0-0-0-0-] x 12 a-2-2-0-0022-0-0-0-0-] E-0-0-0-0000-0-0-0-0-] While MATTHEW plays this: e--------------------] b--------------------] g--------------------] d--------------------] x 12 a-7-7-5-5577-5-5-5-5-] E-0-0-0-0000-0-0-0-0-] Then CALEB ends the song with: e-0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| b-0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| g-1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| d-2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| a-2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| E-0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| And MATTHEW ends the song with: e-------------------| b-------------------| g-------------------| d-------------------| a-7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-| E-0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-| I explained it in the simplest way I could but it probably leads to some confusion so any trouble contact my profile on here or email me at: matty2918@gmail.com (If you do email me please put 'TAPER JEAN GIRL QUESTION' as the subject title so I don't mistake you for spam)
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