Frame By Frame
King Crimson
Text File
"Frame by Frame" from the King Crimson album "Discipline"
Fripp Guitar Part (essentials)
Transcribed by Reginald Hunt
The song begins with Fripp playing a rapid 1/16-note riff repeated many times:
-------------| then after 32 measures of 4/4 he shifts up to
---------------| after 16 measures of 4/4 he shifts up to
-------------| -------------|
-------------| -------------|
-----5-7-5---| for 2 measures of 4/4 then -----6-8-6---| for 2 measures of 4/4.
-5-8-------8-| -6-9-------9-|
-------------| -------------|
-------------| -------------|
The next pattern (F# minor) is:
---------------| ---------------|-------------|
---------2-----| ---------2-----|---------2---|
-2---4-----4---| for 2 times then -2---4-----4---|-2---4-----4-| for 7 times
---4---4-----4-| (if this is the 3rd ---4---4-----4-|---4---4-----| then
---------------| go round, make it 6 times) ---------------|-------------|
---------------| ---------------|-------------|
-2---4-----4---| again for 5 times then
---4---4-----4-| (if this is the 3rd
---------------| go round, jump to +++Coda+++ after 5 times)
Note that Fripp plays the above 13/8 pattern against Belew's 14/8 pattern giving an "echo"
effect that ceases after the 7 repeats.
The next pattern (A minor) is:
-5---7-----7---| for 8 times then
Now return to the beginning and play it all again (but play the first
rapid pattern only 16 times).
-5---7-----7---| for 4 times then
---5-7-5---5-7-5---5-7-5---5-7-5---5-7-5---5-7-5-|| for 4 times
Although I've seen Fripp play the last riff this way: