Make It Last
Kate Miller-heidke
Text File
Words as performed by Kate Miller-Heidke
Please note: this song is played with a capo on the second fret.
In the tab, chords that are like OPEN chords, or notes close to the capo are tabbed as
you were playing WITHOUT capo, chords that are further up the neck are written as the
Notes that are ACTUAL frets are marked with an ASTERISK. *
In hindsight I would have written it all as if you weren't using a capo, but I don't
time right now to edit it further. Anyone keen to adjust it is more than welcome. Anyway,
you don't have one buy a capo, it'll change your life.
Capo On 2
Note * = actual fret
F#m C# C#/F F#m (x2)
* * *
F#m (strum 2 bars) C#7 (strum 1 bar) F#m (1bar)
these words working�..
Bm (strum 1 bar)F#m (1bar) C#7 (1) F#m (1bar)
think my personality�
Chorus: (ALL TABBED AS ACTUAL FRETS, so fret 2s on open capo!)
F# (m) D7 A#5 C5 (x2)
the leader�..
Acoustic Guitar break (usually thumbtack piano):
-------------2------------------------2---------------2--------- 11---11---11---------|
Middle 8 and Outro:
Additional outro figures (us builds up):
enjoy =)