Mom In Love Daddy In Space
Text File
/Kashmir / This song was the beginning of Kashmir's new
/Mom In Love Daddy In Space / era on the Danish rock scene. It's about not to
/The Good Life / hold on to faded love but move on and realize
/___________________________/ that nothing lasts forever.
The goes in 4/4 and is played by two electric guitars in standard tuning.
The chords above the tab charts can be played if you want to play it simple
on an acoustic guitar for example.
INTRO (originally played from a keyboard, but here's a suggestion on guitar):
1st VERSE (the chords above the tab chart is the chords you can play while you
do the finger picking, but you can also just play them if you want some volume):
Am B7 E7 C6
Walking bones Choose your own direction
F G7 G E E7
Go have fun Some place else
Am B7 E7 C6
Bring your soul And your beach boys records
F G7 G E Eaug E7
I can't stand To have you here
Am B7 E7 C6
So worn out Cold and dehydrated
F G7 G E E7
Fortune's spend And dad's in space
A Em D A E
Every home should have a mom in love and a daddy in space
A Em D F#m E
Chinese porcelain cats to guard he love in the window space
Show her some respect she's all worn out
2nd VERSE (Still look at the charts, have patience...):
Am B7 E7 C6
For years to come I will not forget you
F G7 G E Eaug E7
As my son As my pain
Am B7 E7 C6
Time will heal What now feels so wounded
F G7 G E7
Tears are spilled Holes will fill
A Em D A E
Every home should have a mom in love and a daddy in space
A Em D F#m E
Chinese porcelain cats to guard he love in the window space
F F G A G# G F# F F G
||-----1-------1---|-----1-----------|-----5-----------|| |-----1-------1---|-----1-----------|
||-----1-------1---|-----1-----------|-----5-----------|| |-----1-------1---|-----1-----------|
||-----2-------2---|-----2-----------|-----6-----------|| |-----2-------2---|-----2---4-4-----|
||-3---3---3---3---|-3---3---5-5-----|-7---7---7-6-5-4-|| |-3---3---3---3---|-3---3---5-5-----|
||-3---3---3---3---|-3---3---5-5-----|-7---7---7-6-5-4-|| |-3---3---3---3---|-3---3---5-5-----|
||-1---1---1---1---|-1---1---3-3-----|-5---5---5-4-3-2-|| |-1---1---1---1---|-1---1---3-3-----|
Show her some respect she's all worn out Show her some respect she's all worn
A Em D A E
Every home should have a mom in love and a daddy in space
A Em D F#m E
Chinese porcelain cats to guard he love in the window space
SOLO & SOLO BACKUP (Added by a 2nd guitar playing simultaneously with the 1st guitar):
1st Guitar:
(E) D D E F#m
F#m A D (play with vibrato) D E
2nd Guitar:
D D E F#m A
D D E F#m A
F#m F#m F#m F#m
F#m F#m F#m
6th /feb /05
Please mail me at for comments or corrections!