Bag Of Flash And Thyme
Text File
/Kashmir / This tab is really just an extension of Ertner's
/Bag Of Flash And Thyme / tab, so all of the chords are put together by him.
/Cruzential / The things added are the solos, the outro and a few
/_______________________/ fills. The song is played by:
1st Guitar, Acoustic (probably Kasper's travel guitar)
2nd Guitar, Electric
Above the tab charts are written some chords. They display what the 1st guitar
plays while the piano and the 2nd guitar plays the solos.
Here are the chords used:
C Cmaj7 C/B Em Emadd9 and Em6 Em7 Emmaj7 Em/F#
Em/G Em/B F#7-11 Gaug Am Asus2 B7 B7b13 B7b9
| Emadd9 | B7 B7b13 | Emadd9 | B7 B7b13 |
1st VERSE:
Emadd9 B7 B7b13
I know how it feels when you're here
Emadd9 B7 B7b13
Puts the heat in the air when you're near
Emadd9 B7 C C/B Am
But I will never know what's going on below
F#7-11 B7 B7b13
Skin, bones, and hair
2nd VERSE:
Emadd9 B7 B7b13
I'd fall from a tree for a smile
Emadd9 B7 B7b13
Hit myself and still hurt for a smile
Emadd9 B7 C C/B Am
But I will never find the bag of flash and thyme
F#7-11 B7
Shine me the stairs
B7b9 Em Em/F# Em/G Em/B
I dig through the soil and the shields
Asus2* B7 Em Emmaj7 Em7 Em6 * |-0-0-0-0-1---1---|
And the softness of gold turns to steel |-0-1-0-1-0---0---|
Cmaj7 B7 Em Emadd9 Em |-2-2-2-2-2---2---|
I drink too long and I wet my tongue |-2-2-2-2-1---1---|
C Am F#7-11 B7 |-0-0-0-0-2-2-2-2-|
'Cause I have done you wrong, dead wrong |-----------------|
1st SOLO (originally played by piano, but here's a suggestion on guitar):
|E |B7 |E |B7 |
3rd VERSE:
E B7* * |-2---2---2---2/4-|
I talk to the fish on the floor |-0---0---0---0---|
E B7* * |-2---2---2-------|
See, my newfound friend never gets bored |-1---1---1-------|
E B7 C C/B Am |-2-2-2-2-2-2-----|
My favourite place of all is the closet in the hall |-----------------|
F#7-11 B7
Here no one calls
B7b9 Em Em/F# Em/G Em/B
See, I dig through the soil and the shields
Asus2* B7 Em Emmaj7 Em7 Em6 * |-0-0-0-0-2---2---|
And the softness of gold turns to steel |-0-1-0-1-0---0---|
Cmaj7 B7 Em Emadd9 Em |-2-2-2-2-2---2---|
I drink too long and I wet my tongue |-2-2-2-2-1---1---|
C Am F#7-11 B7 |-0-0-0-0-2-2-2-2-|
'Cause I have done you wrong, dead wrong |-----------------|
2nd SOLO (played by the 2nd Guitar):
|Emadd9 |B7 |Emadd9 |B7 |
|Emadd9 |B7 B7b13|Emadd9 |B7 B7b13|
|Emadd9 |B7 C/B C |Am F#7-11 |B7 B7b13|
|B7b9 |Em /F# /G /B |Asus2 B7 |Em Emmaj7 Em7 Em6 |
|Cmaj7 B7 |Em Gaug |
then this part out of step
1st guitar:
|2nd guitar:
- Here's a link to Ertner's original tab:
12/ mar/ 05
Please mail me at for comments or corrections!