Karim Sarah
Text File
(beatles) G, em, C
(Strum that twice however you feel and then go into the first vers)
G D em C
How can You sit there and tell me that you don't care
G D em C
How can you look at me the way you do and say there's nothing there
G D em C D G (beatles)
I've asked you once to tell me but you just look and smile
G D em C D G (normal)
I've asked you twice to tell me, why you still tryin' to hide
G em C em
I try to understand, why you still hold my hand
em C em
but you still tell me that there's nothing there
em C G
and you still tell that you just don't really care
G em C em
I try to understand why you still hold my hand
em C em G
and you kiss my lips and you tell me how beatiful I am
G em C em
I try to understand why you'd still hold my hand,
D em C
when you say that you love her and not me
G (Beatles) D em C
How can you sit there, and make me smile the way you do
G D em C
How can you comfort me when there's nothing left to do
D em C
and yet you say that you love here and not me