Well Of Souls
Text File
Band- haunted
Song- Well Of Souls
Tuning: Drop D down a half step
Riff A x4 a2 a3
*let the two 0s in this riff ring until next 0 is played*
*a2 played every other ending, and a3 is the final ending of the riff*
Riff B x2
Fill 1 Riff C
|--------------| |-----------------------------------------------|
|--------------| |-----------------------------------------------|
|--------------| |-----------------------------------------------|
|--------------| |-----------------------------------------------|
|--2--1--------| |--3--2--- ---------2-1-3-4-3-5-6-5-6-5---------|
|--------2--0--| |--------2---0-0000------------------------------|
*play Fill 1 and Riff C again*
Fill 2
Riff B
Fill 1
Riff C
Fill 1
Riff C
Fill 2
c1 c2 c3 c4
. ... ^gtr.2^
*c4 is played at the very end by gtr.2 and rings out*
Riff D d2
d3 (not played until solo)
--------------| |------------------|
--------------| |------------------|
--------------| |--------7\8/7-----|
--------------| |-7-8-5---------8--|
-17/18/17-12--| |------------------|
--------------| |------------------|
Solo: gtr.2
Under Solo: gtr.1
*after the solo play Riff D x2 and d3
Riff F x2
............ .... .. ............ .... ..
f2 x2
Riff G x3
Riff H
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Riff D,d2
Fill 1
Riff C
Fill 1
Riff C
Fill 2
Final Riff