All In My Head
Good Shoes
Text File
first, the intro. i've tried to lay this tab out in a way that shows when you should hit
chords and when you should pause. It may look a bit complex but to be honest, just
to the track and you'll understand what i mean.
16 - 16.16-15-14 - 14.14-15-16 - 16.16-15-14 - 14.16 - 12.12 - - 12.12
16 - 16.16-15-14 - 14.14-15-16 - 16.16-15-14 - 14.16 - 12.12 - - 12.12
16 - 16.16-15-14 - 14.14-15-16 - 16.16-15-14 - 14.16 - 13.13 - x2 - 13.13 x2
- 14.14 - - 12.12-|
- 14.14 - - 14.14-|
- 12.12 - - 12.12-|
between the intro and the verse just play the chord: -12--12 |
-12--12 |
-13--13 | x4
-14--14 |
-14--14 |
-12--12 |
next, the verse. the verse is pretty basic. again, listen to the track & you'll hear the timings..
-12-12-12--7-7-7--12-12-12--7-7-7-7--9- 9--8- 7--7- 7- |
-12-12-12--7-7-7--12-12-12--7-7-7-7--9- 9--8- 7--7- 7- |
-13-13-13--8-8-8--13-13-13--8-8-8-8--9- 9--8- 8--8- 8- | repeat
-12-12-12--7-7-7--12-12-12--7-7-7-7--9- 9--8- 7--7- 7- |
this is playing over the
"I'm a talented artist but my heart's not in it I'm a..
good shag but I find nobody fit And I
I play in a band but I've got no talent
I spit and I drawl but I just don't change a thing"
then comes the chorus. it's the same chords, just listen to the rhythm on the track.
-12-12-12-12-11-11-7-7-7-7- 8- 8 | -9-9- 8- 7--7-8--9--9--9--8--7-7-|
-12-12-12-12-11-11-7-7-7-7- 8- 8 | -9-9- 8- 7--7-8--9--9--9--8--7-7-|
-13-13-13-13-12-12-8-8-8-8- 8- 8 |x2, then: -9-9- 8- 8--8-8--9--9--9--8--8-8-|
-14-14-14-14-13-13-9-9-9-9-10-10 | -11-11-10-9--9-10-11-11-11-10-9-9-|
-14-14-14-14-13-13-9-9-9-9-10-10 | -11-11-10-9--9-10-11-11-11-10-9-9-|
-12-12-12-14-11-11-7-7-7-7- 8- 8 | -9-9- 8- 7--7-8--9--9--9--8--7-7-|
the lyrics to the chorus are simply:
It's all in my head
All my hopes and my fears
And I lay it all out
For you all to see and it's
All in my head
then Rhys (singer) emphasises: Head Head, head head, head head.
to which, you just play the chord: -12-
then the verse again:
-12-12-12--7-7-7--12-12-12--7-7-7-7--9- 9--8- 7--7- 7- |
-12-12-12--7-7-7--12-12-12--7-7-7-7--9- 9--8- 7--7- 7- |
-13-13-13--8-8-8--13-13-13--8-8-8-8--9- 9--8- 8--8- 8- | repeat
-12-12-12--7-7-7--12-12-12--7-7-7-7--9- 9--8- 7--7- 7- |
with these lyrics:
I work nine to five but I want to break free And I
watch the TV but I want to be an inspiration to you all
And i write it all down but nobody reads and you
never will and that's to obscene and it's all, and it's all..
then the chorus again..
no changes from before.
-12-12-12-12-11-11-7-7-7-7- 8- 8 | -9-9- 8- 7--7-8--9--9--9--8--7-7-|
-12-12-12-12-11-11-7-7-7-7- 8- 8 | -9-9- 8- 7--7-8--9--9--9--8--7-7-|
-13-13-13-13-12-12-8-8-8-8- 8- 8 |x2, then: -9-9- 8- 8--8-8--9--9--9--8--8-8-|
-14-14-14-14-13-13-9-9-9-9-10-10 | -11-11-10-9--9-10-11-11-11-10-9-9-|
-14-14-14-14-13-13-9-9-9-9-10-10 | -11-11-10-9--9-10-11-11-11-10-9-9-|
-12-12-12-14-11-11-7-7-7-7- 8- 8 | -9-9- 8- 7--7-8--9--9--9--8--7-7-|
the lyrics to the chorus are the same:
It's all in my head
All my hopes and my fears
And I lay it all out
For you all to see and it's
All in my head
then there's that bit again where Rhys says 'Head head, head head'. again, you just play:
then comes the solo. you think i'm tabbing that up? no chance, squier.
after the solo there's a brief part with no guitar, after four bars you come back in
the regular verse chords:
-12-12-12--7-7-7--12-12-12--7-7-7-7--9- 9--8- 7--7- 7- |
-12-12-12--7-7-7--12-12-12--7-7-7-7--9- 9--8- 7--7- 7- |
-13-13-13--8-8-8--13-13-13--8-8-8-8--9- 9--8- 8--8- 8- | repeat
-12-12-12--7-7-7--12-12-12--7-7-7-7--9- 9--8- 7--7- 7- |
the lyrics to this verse are the same as the first verse:
"I'm a talented artist but my heart's not in it I'm a..
good shag but I find nobody fit And I
I play in a band but I've got no talent
I spit and I drawl but I just don't change a thing"
then the chorus for one final time...
again, no changes from before.
-12-12-12-12-11-11-7-7-7-7- 8- 8 | -9-9- 8- 7--7-8--9--9--9--8--7-7-|
-12-12-12-12-11-11-7-7-7-7- 8- 8 | -9-9- 8- 7--7-8--9--9--9--8--7-7-|
-13-13-13-13-12-12-8-8-8-8- 8- 8 |x2, then: -9-9- 8- 8--8-8--9--9--9--8--8-8-|
-14-14-14-14-13-13-9-9-9-9-10-10 | -11-11-10-9--9-10-11-11-11-10-9-9-|
-14-14-14-14-13-13-9-9-9-9-10-10 | -11-11-10-9--9-10-11-11-11-10-9-9-|
-12-12-12-14-11-11-7-7-7-7- 8- 8 | -9-9- 8- 7--7-8--9--9--9--8--7-7-|
after this, you've got the disco-style chords (reminiscent of OKGO), that go as such:
16 - 16.16-15-14 - 14.14-15-16 - 16.16-15-14 - 14.16 - 12.12 - - 12.12
16 - 16.16-15-14 - 14.14-15-16 - 16.16-15-14 - 14.16 - 12.12 - - 12.12
16 - 16.16-15-14 - 14.14-15-16 - 16.16-15-14 - 14.16 - 13.13 - x2 - 13.13 x2
- 14.14 - - 12.12-|
- 14.14 - - 14.14-|
- 12.12 - - 12.12-|
FIN. blaaady hell that took a long time. right, nice one, cheers. oh an, I saw good
live at morden bandstand monday-last, it was a great gig. if you get the chance, check them