Text File
The Gathering "eleanor"
from Mandylion
tabbed by: Drew Schinzel, 7/16/99
notes: I condensed some of the chord spacing to save some space, so be
aware of the riff timing. Standard tuning. I hate writing structures, and
this isn't exactly a real difficult song to follow, so you can figure it out.
Riff A (0:16) Riff B (0:32)
last 3 notes of A and B are only sometimes played
short bridge. These chords are muted both with the palm and fret hand.
Riff C (1:02)
strum the first chord in any rhythm you'd like, unmuted.
interlude (2:36) Riff D (2:53)
bridge 2
32x 123412341234 etc
Riff E
Riff F
twice twice
Riff G
twice twice, Second time skip end arpeggio
The last riff is a combination of riffs C and D, just listen to it.
For the ending, hit an extra E5 after the last riff, then a couple of B5s.
After that, the end is just a bunch of F#5s one after the other with the
ending from riff A thrown in once in a while.