Death March On Two Ready
Envy On The Coast
Text File
Death March on Two, Ready?
Envy on the Coast
Guitar Tuning: Drop D standard
Intro and Beginning/Chorus (theres more muted string strumming going on in the
clean intro but yall can figure that out...)
- The 3b can be played as a pinch harmonic on the 3rd fret instead... if you want.
Im not honestly sure how the verses go (if there is even guitar present) but I like to play:
-Goes through the chorus once like usual, then it ends like this the second time:
- After the three strums on the on the 2nd fret, it changes to 3/4 time for the breakdown
|-------5---|-------5---|-7-7-7-7-7-7-|-7-7-7-7-7-7-|-7-7-7------| 2x
dd u dd u...
That's the whole song, youll just have to figure out which parts go where and for
how many repetitions.