
Taking Retards To The Zoo

Dead Milkmen

Text File

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dead Milkmen - Takin' Retards To The Zoo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: Mike Brennan (djpolokus@hotmail.com) Takin' Retards To The Zoo....guitar tab!!! Verse: E-5--- B-5--- G-3--- D----- A----- E----- The strumming patterns vary in the verses: The first verse is just once every time the bassline repeats, the second and third follow the snare drum. Chorus: E---------------------------------------------| B---------------------------------------------| G-5---5-5-5---------5---5---5-5-5---------2---| D-5---5-5-5---5-5---5---5---5-5-5---5-5---2---| A-3---3-3-3---5-5---3---3---3-3-3---5-5---0---| E-------------3-3-------------------3-3-------| Now that you have read this tab, you can take a retard to your local zoo with no further ado. Hey that rhymes! So I'm going to Roger Williams Park Zoo and I'm gonna bring a retard too. From the Dead Milkmen Guitar Tab Project http://www.geocities.com/dmtabs/ =============================================================================
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