Escape From Hellview
Text File
This is how I play the song. Please rate and comment.
0:00 - 0:22 Play 3x
0:22 - 0:51 I'm not %100 sure on this part, but I know it is close.
0:51 - 1:05
0:51 - 1:05 continued
1:06 - 1:20 Play 2x
1:21 - 1:35
1:35 - 1:49
1:35 - 1:49 continued
1:50 - 2:20 Play 4x
2:20 - 2:42 Play 3x
---------------------------------- ----------------------------------|
2:42 - 2:56
2:42 - 2:56 continued
2:56 - 3:09
3:10 - End Play 4x