
Take My Life And Let It Be

Chris Tomlin

Text File

This Song is 100% accurate. TAKE MY LIFE AND LET IT BE D A7sus A7 Bm G D/F# Em7 A7sus A7 D Take my life and let it be con�se--crated, Lord, to Thee D A7sus A7 Bm G D/F# Em7 A7sus A7 D Take my moments and my days, let them flow in ceaseless praise C2 Bm7 Em7sus A7sus D Take my hands and let them move at the impulse of Thy love D A7sus A7 Bm G D/F# Em7 A7sus A7 D Take my feet and let them be swift and beauti--ful for Thee D A7sus A7 Bm G D/F# Em7 A7sus A7 D Take my voice and let me sing al---ways, only for my King D A7sus A7 Bm G D/F# Em7 A7sus A7 D Take my lips and let them be filled with messag--es from Thee C2 Bm7 Em7sus A7sus D Take my silver and my gold not a mite would I withhold D A7sus A7 Bm G D/F# Em7 A7sus A7 D Take my intellect and use e---very power as You choose Em7sus G2 A7sus Here am I, all of me Em7sus G2 A7sus Take my life it's all for Thee D A7sus A7 Bm G D/F# Em7 A7sus A7 D Take my will and make it Thine, it shall be no lon-----ger mine D A7sus A7 Bm G D/F# Em7 A7sus A7 D Take my heart it is Thine own, it shall be Thy roy-----al throne C2 Bm7 Em7sus A7sus D Take my love, my Lord I pour, at Your feet its treasure store D A7sus A7 Bm G D/F# Em7 A7sus A7 D Take myself and I will be e----ver, only, all for Thee D A7sus A7 Bm G D/F# Em7 A7sus A7 D Take myself and I will be e----ver, only, all for Thee
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