Grace Like Rain
Chris Tomlin
Text File
use the bar chords for all of them except the E.
C#m7 :446654
Bb :577655
F :022100
C :799877
Intro: C#m7 A E B (4x)
Verse 1:
C#m7 A E B
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
C#m7 A E B
that saved a wretch like me
C#m7 A E B
I once was lost but now i'm found
C#m7 A E B
was blind but, now i see so clearly
C#m7 A E B
Hallelujah, Grace like rain falls down on me
C#m7 A E B
Hallelujah, All my stains are washed away
C#m7 A E B
Hallelujah, Grace like rain falls down on me
C#m7 A E B C#m7
Hallelujah, All my stains are washed away, washed away
C#m7 A E B
Verse 2:
(same chords as verse 1)
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
and grace my fears relieved
how precious did that grace appear
the hour I first believed.
(chorus 2x)
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