Entering Horizon Intro
Black Dust
Text File
Band: Blackdust
Song: Entering horizon
This song is played on standard tunning.
this is the intro and a bit more.
|--2223-3--55557-77--2223-3-3-5555--7-7---------------|Let both strings ring
|--0000-0--00000-00--000- 0-0-00000 0-0---------------|
|--2223-3--55557-77--2223-3-3-5555--7-7---------------|Let both strings ring
|--0000-0--00000-00--000- 0-0-00000 0-0---------------|
|-----------------------------------------------------| x2
|--0000-0--00000-00--000- 0-0-00000 0-0---------------|
|-----------------------------------------------------| x4
x4 the chords above but make sure on the last time you do this then add the 4!
well that is it! that is not the whole song xd