Crawling Towards Forgiveness
Before Their Eyes
Text File
This is a great new band, well pretty new. But its frustrating to see that there
arent very many tabs for Before Their Eyes, especially since there best song is
tabbed incorrectly ( no offense to the dude that tabbed it) so heres what i
believe is correct or atleast not as far off as the other tab.
This is my first, posted, tab.
I didnt put the palm mutes in, cause This took longer than i thought.
Basically in order.
Intro-Gtr. 1
Part 1
Part 2
Gtr. 2- played over part 2
Pre-verse- Gtr. 1 or 2, doesnt matter from here on
|-----------0-[let ring]--------------------------13---------|
|-0-[let ring]------------------(0)------------0-------------|
Lightly touch all three strings at- ( )
Verse X2
|-0---------7---- ---0---------7--------8---------8-7-------9--------7--10----|
|-0-000-00---7-7h8--0-000-00---7-7h8--8-888-88------10p8 -9-999-99--8---------|
end verse on... transition
|---0-[let ring]--------|----8-8-8----|
Gtr. 1
Part 1
Part 2
Gtr. 2- played over part 2
Gtr. 1
|-0-[let ring]-0-000-00-0h15p0h14p0h12---|
|-0---------------------------------14 ---|
|-----------------|keep repeating until the transition
Gtr. 2 played over guitar 1
|-0-[let ring]-0-000-00-------------------|
|------------12-10-9h10p- 9/12\10/14-------|
|-0----------------------- x/x-\x-/x-------|
|-0-000-00--------------- 7/10\8-/12-------|
|-x/x-\x-/x--/x-\x- \x-\x-------------|
end verse on... transition
|---0-[let ring]--------|----8-8-8----|
Gtr. 1
Part 1
Part 2 |----repeat----------------------------------| 2x
|-----------10/12-10- 9-9-9------------7/9-10-121212-------|
|----------- 8/10--8--7-7-7---------- --5/7-8 -101010------|
Part 1-Gtr. 2 play the second time over guitar 1
|--0--00-00-x/x-x--x-x- --0--00-00--x/ x-x--x-x------------|
Part 2
|-----------10/12-10- 9-9-9------------7/9-10-121212-------|
|----------- 8/10--8--7-7-7---------- --5/7-8 -101010------|
|--8--88-88-8/10--8--7-7-7--7--77-77--5/7-8 -101010--------|
|--8--88-88-8/10--8--7-7-7--7--77-77--5/7-8 -101010--------|
Transition-Gtr. 1
|---0-[let ring]----------|
|0h8\7\6\5\4\3\2\1\0-000-000-000-000-000 ----|
Chorus final
Gtr. 1
Gtr. 1
|-listen to the song to know how long to go for----|
Gtr. 2
|-5/10-5/10- |-----------|
|------------|-10\5-10\5 |
Then some deal with the yeah this is taking too long, its like only 3 secs at the end so
you figure out wat you wanna do.
Thanks for trusting this, have a good day, i doubt
there will be more cause this took longer than i thought.