Home For Christmas by Maria Mena D G Careful what you say A This time of year G Tends to weaken me D G And have a little decency A G And let me cry in peace D G But there’s a place where I A G Erase the challenges Ive been through D G Where I know every corner A Every street-name G all by heart G D And so it is a part of my G Asus4 A courageous plan to leave G D With a broken heart G Asus4 A Tucked away under my sleeve D G I wanna go home for Christmas Asus4 A Bm7 Let me go home this year D G I wanna go home for Christmas Asus4 A D Let me go home this year D Ill pack my bags G A G and leave before the sun rises tomorrow D G A Cause we act more like strangers for each day G That I am here D G But I have people close to me A G Who never will desert me D G Who remind me frequently A G What I was like as a child G D And so it is a part of my G Asus4 A courageous plan to leave G D With a broken heart G Asus4 A Tucked away under my sleeve D G I wanna go home for Christmas Asus4 A Bm7 Let me go home this year D G I wanna go home for Christmas Asus4 A D Let me go home this year D G I dont know what my future holds A G or who Ill choose to love me D G But I can tell you where I’m from A G And who loved me to life G D And so it is a part of my G Asus4 A courageous plan to leave G D With a broken heart G Asus4 A Tucked away under my sleeve D G I wanna go home for Christmas Asus4 A Bm7 Let me go home this year D G I wanna go home for Christmas Asus4 A D Let me go home this year www.TAB6.com