Turn It On Again by Genesis Turn It On Again Genesis No Idea what album, not a huge fan, but I've got the greatest hits CD and this is an song. When the riff kicks in in the intro... Hell yeah! This tab isn't whole, but I get hacked off with all the guitar pro tabs because I don't Guitar Pro. Anyway... Intro The bass note is a B (fret 2 on the A string). E|--------------------| B|----9-----10--------| G|----------9---------| D|----11----7---------| A|--------------------| E|--------------------| E|------------------------------------------| B|-0-2-0-/4--4--2----3-5-3-/7--7--5--3-5-3--| G|-1-2-1-/4--4--3----4-6-4-/8--8--6--4-5-4--| D|-2-2-2-/4--4--4----5-7-5-/9--9--7--5-7-5--| A|-2----------------------------------------| E|------------------------------------------| This riff plays on through the verse until 'I can show you, etc' Bridge 'I can show you...' E|-----------------------------------------------------| B|-7---7---7-5--7---7---7-5--7---7---7-9--3----2--3--5-| G|-8---8---8-6--8---8---8-6--7---7---7-9--4----2--4--6-| D|-9---9---9-7--9---9---9-7--7---7---7-9--5----2--5--7-| A|-----------------------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------------------| And so on. I gotta go, but I have a tab for Doctor Doctor, by UFO. Not that it's in any way but it hasn't been rated, and I swear to god it's perfect. Of course, I don't really mind. I But it'd be nice to get a good one. It's the fourth tab for that song, by the way. Cheers. www.TAB6.com