Star Of The Show Intro by Fireflight not sure the tuning, i use standard. but i'm pretty sure they use dropped d. e---------------------| b-7-9-11-4---2-9-11-6-| g---------------------| d---------------------| a-6-8-9--2---1-8-9--4-| e---------------------| try using your thumb and middle finger for picking and index and ring for the easiest way i found to play it... and now the distorted guitar but you will have to figure out the strumming on your own.. palm mute... e------------------------| b------------------------| g------------------------| d-8-10-11-4--3-8-10-11-6-| a-6-8--9--2--1-6-8--9--4-| e------------------------| just listen to the song if it sounds wrong when you play it... it's easy...