I Am A Child by Neil Young //most of this version of the song I pilaged from Jeff Monkman in his youtube cover "I Am A Child ---- Neil Young (cover)" the link is compare results to the video because he still plays it better than what i he graduated from berklee college of music and I am 15 it kinda makes sense.\\ In the begining of the song I use half chords on the 3 and fifth frets. the one on the fret i am labling (D) and the one on the third (G). this is a great song have fun. Intro e-----5--7p5--5--5--5----3--x--3--x--3------2--3p2--2--2--2--2---| b-----7-------7--7--6----5--x--5--x--5------3--3----3--3--3--3---| g-----6-------6--6--7----4--x--4--x--4------2--2----2--2--2--2---| d--0--0-------0--0--0----0--x--0--x--0---0--0--------------------| a----------------------------------------------------------------| e----------------------------------------------------------------| e-----3--3--3-------------2--2--2--3p2--2--2--2--2---| b-----3--3--3-------------3--3--3--3----3--3--3--3---| g-----0--0--0-------------2--2--2--2----2--2--2--2---| x2 d-----0--0--0-------0h2------------------------------| a-----2--2--2--0h2-----------------------------------| e--3--3--3--3----------------------------------------| *C to Am chord change* dm *C* e--0-----0----------------------| I am a child, b--1-----1----------------------| g--0-----2----------------------| am f d--2-----2----------------------| I'll last a while. a--3--2-------------------------| e-------------------------------| dm f You can't conceive * played off of Em chord* c *em* d-------0h2--------------| of the pleasure in my smile. a--0h2-------------------| Dm *C* You hold my hand, Am F rough up my hair, Dm Dm7 It's lots of fun D to have you there. (D) God gave to you, (G) now, you give to me, D I'd like to know G what you learned. (D) The sky is blue (G) and so is the sea. am7 What is the color, C when black is burned? am7 What is the color? ends on d I came up with a cool picking for the end D here it is if you want to use it e-----3--------------------------------| b-----3--3-----3-----------------------| g-----2-----2--------------------------| d--0--0-----------0--------------------| a--------------------------------------| e--------------------------------------| www.TAB6.com