Outro by Channel Zero Artist: Channel Zero Album: Black Fuel Song: Outro Part 1 : The song has 2 guitarparts: the main rhytm that goes on through the whole song and a returning solo part. Tune down your guitar a half tone (1 step) /: slide up X: mute with right hand while playing P: pull-off Part 1: e|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| b|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| g|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| d|-6-6--X6-X6--4/6-7-2-2-X2-X2--6/7-----------------------------------------| a|-6-6--X6-X6--4/6-7-2-2-X2-X2--6/7-----------------------------------------| e|-4-4--X4-X4--2/4-5-0-0-X0-X0--4/5-----------------------------------------| Part 2 : A B C D e|--------| |---------------| |---------------| |---------------| b|--------| |---------------| |---------------| |---------------| g|--------| |---------------| |---------------| |---------------| d|--------| |-7P6-6P5-5P4-2-| |-7P6-6P5-5P4---| |-7P6-6P5-5P4---| a|-7-7--7-| |---------------| |-------------2-| |---------------| e|--------| |---------------| |---------------| |-------------4-| Now play the solopart like this while part 1 keeps going on: A B C x3 B D In the D part the last note (tabbed with #4 ) is the beginning of the first chord in Part 1. www.TAB6.com