Area 52 - Smile by Misc Unsigned Bands Smile by Area 52 Tabbed by Philip Vasquez The lyrics with the * indicate possible errors, i've done it by ear, if anyone has the official lyrics let me know where it needs correcting, thanks. Enjoy, and check my other tabs of local bands (Y)! Chords used: Am - Standard G - Standard F - Standard Em - Standard Third Chorus chords: (Sounds best with power chords) Bm - 224431 A - 577555 G - 355433 F#m - 244222 Intro - Picking around the chords of Am, G, F & Em, what is shown below isn't exact, but its definately accurate. Am G |-----------------PLAY-THROUGHOUT-1ST-VERSE-----------| |------------------0-------|-----------------------0--| |------------1-------------|-------------0------------| |----2---------------------|--------------------------| |--------------------------|--------------------------| |--------------------------|--------------------------| |--------------------------|-----3--------------------| F Em |-----------------PLAY-THROUGHOUT-1ST-VERSE-----------| |--------------------------|-----------------------0--| |------------------3-------|-------------0------------| |--------------------------|--------------------------| |------------3-------------|--------------------------| |--------------------------|------3-2-----------------| |---1----------------------|--------------------------| --[[1st Verse]]-- Am G F Em Every Night, Everyday, Am G F Em Looking back and *walk* with msyelf, Am G F Em Feelin' down, feelin' cold, Am G F Em I know the pain, i've been there myself. --[[Pre Chorus]]-- Am Em Am Em And when you try to forget about the emptiness, Am Em Am Em Think about the days ahead and take a *look to something else. --[[Chorus]]-- Am G F Em I wanna' see you smile, Don't wanna' see you cry, Am G F Em *Do you doubt the talk about me.... the talk about me. --[[2nd Verse]]-- Am G F Em You've always been, there for me, Am G F Em Even when I wasn't there for you, Am G F Em Keepin' my life on track, Am G F Em Even when I have given up. --[[Pre Chorus]]-- Am Em Am Em And when you try to forget about the emptiness, Am Em Am Em Think about the days ahead and take a *look to something else. --[[2nd Chorus]]-- Am G F Em I wanna' see you smile, Don't wanna' see you cry, Am G F Em *Do you doubt the talk about me... Am G F Em I wanna' see you smile, Don't wanna' see you cry, Am G F Em *Do you doubt the way you want to*, the talk about me... --[[Build up]]-- Am G F G ...*Make me want you, Talk about me, Make me want you... (increase the strumming speed but gradually increase the volume until you get to the chorus) G Em G You try, and you cry, and you try and you cry and you try...* --[[Chorus 3]]-- ((Sounds best with power chords, up to you)) Bm A G F#m I wanna' see you smile, Don't wanna' see you cry, Bm A G F#m Thinking about the talk about about me, Bm A G F#m I wanna' see you smile, Don't wanna' see you cry, Bm A G F#m *Do you doubt the way you, the talk about me, Bm A G F#m The talk about me, the talk about me, Bm A G F#m The talk about me, the talk about me, (Repeat the last few lines as many times as you want) Hope you enjoy!! |================================| |Transcripción de Philip Vasquez | | Para alguna duda o sugerencia: | | | |================================|