Loli Jackson Acoustic by Dover ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOLI JACKSON (ACOUSTIC) - Dover ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: dunadar Email: kikemarti _at_ gmail _dot_ com Tuning: Standard - Capo 3rd fret Additional info: Played live at Barcelona - can be found in DVD "Dover: 1993 - 2003" =================================== ======= CHORDS - ACORDES ========== =================================== These are the positions for each chord: Esta es la posición para cada acorde: A# (fingers like G) F (like D) Gm (like Em) Cm(*)(like Am) D# (like C) La (dedos como Sol) Fa (como Re) Solm (como Mim) Dom(*)(como Lam) Re# (como Do) e ||---|---|-o-|--------||---|-o-|---|------||---|---|---|------||---|---|---|------||---|---|---|-| B ||---|---|-o-|--------||---|---|-o-|------||---|---|---|------||-?-|---|---|------||-o-|---|---|-| G ||---|---|---|--------||---|-o-|---|------||---|---|---|------||---|-o-|---|------||---|---|---|-| D ||---|---|---|--------||---|---|---|------||---|-o-|---|------||---|-o-|---|------||---|-o-|---|-| A ||---|-o-|---|--------xx---|---|---|------||---|-o-|---|------||---|---|---|------||---|---|-o-|-| E ||---|---|-o-|--------xx---|---|---|------||---|---|---|------xx---|---|---|------xx---|---|---|-| ^ 4th 5th 6th | this is the capo in the 3rd fret (double pipe) esta es la cejilla en el tercer traste (doble barra) (*) I have no idea whether this chord is actually a Cm or any other... in fact I'm sure it is any other (any suggestions?) (*) No tengo ni idea de si es este acorde u otro... en realidad tengo bastante claro es otro porque este no suena bien, pero no lo consigo sacar (¿alguna idea? =================================== ===== ARPEGGIOS - ARPEGIADO ======= =================================== Some of the patterns used as arpeggios. They are used mixed during the song. Algunos de los patrones de arpegiado que se usan. Los va mezclando a lo largo de la canción x = play that string / tocar esa cuerda ? = it is optional to strike the string / opcional tocar esa cuerda o no o = play just one of the strings / sólo una de las que aparecen x4 1st 2nd 3rd /---\ 4th---------------| e -----x----------------------x---------------------x-----------------x-----------| B -------x---x---o----------x---x---x---o---------x---x-----------------x---------| G ---------x---x-----------x------x---x----------x------x-------?---------x-------| D --x------------o--------x-------------o-------x---------------x---x-------x-----| A --x--------------------x--------------------------------------x-x---------------| E --?-------------------o---------------------------------------?-----------------| --> First and second are the basic arpeggios; Cristina plays a lot varying them. // El primero y el segundo son los básicos; Cristina juega mucho con variaciones suyas lo largo de la canción --> Third is used with the F chord (D position) played just before the chorus, and it more or less twice the time of normal arpeggios // El tercero lo usa en el acorde Fa (posición de Re) que se toca antes del y llena más o menos el doble de tiempo que un arpegio normal --> Fourth (and some variations over it) are sometimes used (especially during chorus). have to strike 2 or 3 bass strings of the chord, but without the fingers on its (open strings); then, while they are ringing, you must hammer them with the fingers in the proper chord position. // El cuarto y variaciones sobre él se usan a veces, sobre todo en el estribillo. Se primero las 2-3 cuerdas bajas del acorde al aire (sin colocar los dedos), y cuando están se hace hammer-on en ellas (se colocan los dedos en la posición del acorde) =================================== ========= CANCIÓN - SONG ========== =================================== CHORDS NAMED ACCORDING TO THE FINGERS POSITION - AS THEY WOULD SOUND IF PLAYING WIHOUT CAPO CON ACORDES NOMBRADOS SEGÚN LA POSICIÓN DE LOS DEDOS - COMO SONARIAN SI TOCÁSEMOS SIN CEJILLA Em C G D Tell you my love where to hide me away Em C G D tell you my love where to find me again Em Am C G why cry, leggy smile I never had Am Em star inner style C D golden dreams that passed me by C G D Tell you my love reckless nights passed away Em C as I tried not to hate G D I won't care what they say Am Em C G why cry, leggy smile I never had Em Am star inner style C G golden dreams that passed me by C D that passed me by... CHORUS: G D You said I'm on fire Em C G well I don't think so and she said fine D you said no lies Em C G well I don't think so and she said fine D Em C G D I'll close my eyes and die Em C G D Just die Em (barre y deja sonar, mientras empieza a cantar otra vez) C G D Tell you my love where to hide me away Em C G D tell you my love where to find my path again Em Am C G why cry, leggy smile I never had Em Am star inner style C G golden dreams that passed me by C D that passed me by... CHORUS: G D You said I'm on fire Em C G well I don't think so and she said fine D you said don't cry Em C G well I don't think so and she said fine D Em C G D I'll close my eyes and die Em C G D Just die EXTRA VERSE / ESTROFA EXTRA: x5 (it starts singing with low volume and using palm mute; it progresively let strings ring sings loudly // empieza cantando bajito y rasgando con palm mute; poco a poco va el muteo y subiendo el volumen de la voz) Em C And if I try to see you G D now that I know Em (links with the beginning of each new repetition // enlaza con comienzo de la repetición) that you play every night FINAL: Em C \ You rather! You rather! | G D | I couldn't watch you before > x4 Em | now you play every night | / Em C \ G D | I couldn't watch you before > x2 Em (link) | now you play every night / C G D End of the song / Remate: Following a pattern similar to // siguiendo un patrón parecido a: C C-C C-CCCC-G