In The Midnight Hour by Wilson Pickett hii this is my first tab so.. it doesnt sound completly like it butit sounds likeit any how. INTRO E::--10-101010---7-7777777---5-555---3-3333333-:: A::--12-121212---9-9999999---7-777---5-5555555-:: D::--12-121212---9-9999999---7-777---5-5555555-:: G::--------------------------------------------:: ive put them as power B::--------------------------------------------:: chords but they could be e::--------------------------------------------:: played as full chords VERSE pt 1 E::-------------------5-| A::------7------------7-| D::------9------------5-| G::------9------------6-| X8 (I THINK) B::------8------------5-| e::------7------------5-| 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 (these are not lyrics its to help with timing) VERSE pt 2 E::--77777777-55555555-:: D::--99999999-77777777-:: G::--------------------:: x2 B::--------------------:: e::--------------------:: BACK TO PT 1 FOR 3 MORE instrumental chorus ( sumat like that ( i dno what to call it) E::-10-101010-7-7777777-:: A::-12-121212-9-9999999-:: D::-12-121212-9-9999999-:: G::---------------------:: B::---------------------:: e::---------------------:: back through verse sorry havent worked the solo ( instrimantal ) out yet but will post it when i have