Letter From Iraq by Bouncing Souls So I decided that this song would sound cool on acoustic. And this is how I play it. You can find a good intro on the other tabs but none of them showed any of the rest of the song. This sounds good to me, either with D and E as bar chords or open chords, watever u prefer. Great song no matter what, hopefully these chords can get u started. Standard Tuning. F# D-bar E-bar |-2 |-5 |-7 |-2 |-7 |-9 |-2 |-7 |-9 |-4 |-7 |-9 |-4 |-5 |-7 |-2 |-X |-X The hot Sunni sun F# passes Moaning Mosque Spire. D E B-company's pinned down F# D and under heavy fire. E D Underneath the palms D there's improvised bombs. E Because Jihad Johnny F# Knows- Yankee is a liar. D E D [Chorus] An eye for an eye. D E F# And blood for Texas Tea. D At the call to prayer E Al Queda's on his knees. F# Isac vs. Ishmael. D E Allah vs. Christ. F# D Zarqawi's on the offense D picking up the beat. E F# There's celebratory fire And a purple thumb vote. Tom cruise is on a sortie from a gulf love boat. Smart bombs are a coming, See the children running. The dead are all laughing, But we don't get the joke. They lost another friend today. It's getting rough over there. They say the whole things fucked. I wish the boys were back. At least I know they're still alive. Another letter from Iraq. Presents full of Christmas loot. All that's left of Bullet Billy- is a pair of bloody boots. His mom is on the phone, His girl is all alone. We all stand in the rain for a twenty-one gun salute. www.TAB6.com