Presents From The Poison-hearted by Cradle Of Filth

                          C R A D L E   O F   F I L T H


        P R E S E N T S   F R O M    T H E   P O I S O N - H E A R T E D

                               DAMNATION AND A DAY
                             (c) Sony Records - 2003

                             Tune down two full steps
                                    C F A# D#

                                 Tempo = 164 BPM
                              Time Signature = 4/4

                                 Transcribed by

                                 PADDY MCMULLAN

                                   Version 1.0
                                31st December 2008

                             Tablature Symbols Used:

 0 h 2     -  Hammer-On
 (/)       -  Legato Slide (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 \         -  Slide Down to/Down From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 /         -  Slide Up To/Up From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 ( )       -  Ghost Note/Tied Note/Implied Note
 REST      -  Rest and sustain rest for duration of blank space
 |_3_|     -  Triplet Notes
 |___[1]   -  Ending 1/2/3 etc.

Intro: Play twice




|----------------------------------|-----------------------| |
|----------------------------------|-----------------------| |

Verse: Play twice




|-------------------------------|--------------------------| |
|--4--4-4-4--4-4-4--4-4-4-4-4-4-|-----------0-----0--------| |

Pre-Chorus: Play once

  1                                  2

 3                                  4

 5                                  6

 7                                  8

 9                               10

 11                              12

 13                              14

 15                              16

Chorus: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play once)

  1                      2
||-----------R-        -|-------------------------|
||-----------E-        -|-------------------------|
||-----------S-        -|-------------------------|
||--0--2--2--T-        -|--0--2--2--2----3--2--0--|

 3                      4                         5
|-----------R-        -|-------------------------|-----------R-        -|
|-----------E-        -|-------------------------|-----------E-        -|
|-----------S-        -|-------------------------|-----------S-        -|
|--2--3--3--T-        -|--3--3--3--3----5--3--2--|--0--2--2--T-        -|

 6                         7                      8
|-------------------------|-----------R-        -|-------------------------|
|-------------------------|-----------E-        -|-------------------------|
|-------------------------|-----------S-        -|-------------------------|
|--0--2--2--2----3--2--0--|--2--3--3--T-        -|--3--3--3--3----5--3--2--|

 9                         10
|--0 h 2--2----2----2--2--|--0 h 2--2--2----3--2--0--|

 11                        12

 13                        14
|--0 h 2--2----2----2--2--|--0 h 2--2--2----3--2--0--|

 15                        16
|-------------------------|--------------------------| |
|--(2/3)--3----3----3--3--|--2 / 3--3-------3--2--3--|*|
|-------------------------|--------------------------| |

Play the Verse twice

Play the Pre-Chorus once

Play the Chorus once, replacing the last 2 bars with the following:

[ Tempo = 184 BPM ]


Section 2 - Part I: Play once

  1                      2

 3                      4                           5

 6                         7

 8                           9

 10                         11

 12                        13

Section 2 - Part II: Play twice [ Tempo = 194 BPM ]

    |__3__|  |__3__|       |__3__|          |__3__|  |__3__|  |__3__|

   |__3__|  |__3__|  |__3__|  |__3__|

   |__3__|  |__3__|  |__3__|  |__3__|     |__3__|  |__3__|       |__3__|

        |__3__|  |__3__|  |__3__|          |__3__|

|--------------------------| |
|--3----3--3--3------------| |

Play Section 2 - Part I once

Section 2 - Part III: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play 4 times)




|--------------------------|----------------------| |
|--------------------------|-------3----2----0----| |

|----------R-    ------| |
|----------E-    ------|*|
|--0-------S-    ------|*|
|-------3--T-    -0----| |

|----------------------|-------------------| |
|---------3------1--0--|-------------------| |

Hold the last note for 4 bars

Rest for a further 11 bars [ Tempo = 164 BPM ]

Instrumental Interlude: Play once

  x                           1
||--0--0----0 / 4----(4/5)--||--5----------------|

 2                        3                     4
|--(5/8)----7----0--8----|--5------------5--0--|--(5/8)----7------8-  \--|

 5                     6                        7
|--4-------------  /  |--8------7----0--(8\7)--|--4----------------|

|--0------  / 4----(4/5)--||

Bar x serves as a segue between the previous section and the Musical Interlude

Intro Variation: Play once

  1                                  2

 3                                  4

 5                                  6

 7                                  8

 9                                  10

 11                                 12

 13                                 14

 15                                 16

| |------------------| |

Play the Verse twice

Chorus Variation: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play once)

  1                         2
||--0 h 2--2----2----2--2--|--0 h 2--2--2----3--2--0--|

 3                         4

 5                         6
|--0 h 2--2----2----2--2--|--0 h 2--2--2----3--2--0--|

 7                         8

 9                      10                        11
|-----------R-        -|-------------------------|-----------R-        -|
|-----------E-        -|-------------------------|-----------E-        -|
|-----------S-        -|-------------------------|-----------S-        -|
|--0--2--2--T-        -|--0--2--2--2----3--2--0--|--2--3--3--T-        -|

 12                        13                     14
|-------------------------|-----------R-        -|-------------------------|
|-------------------------|-----------E-        -|-------------------------|
|-------------------------|-----------S-        -|-------------------------|
|--3--3--3--3----5--3--2--|--0--2--2--T-        -|--0--2--2--2----3--2--0--|

 15                    16                    17

 18                  19                  20


Tab summary:        Intro x 2
                    Verse x 2
                    Pre-Chorus x 1
                    Chorus x 1
                    Verse x 2
                    Pre-Chorus x 1
                    Chorus x 1
                    Section 2:
                              Part I x 1
                              Part II x 2
                              Part I x 1
                              Part III x 4
                    Instrumental Interlude x 1
                    Intro Variation x 1
                    Verse x 2
                    Chorus Variation x 1
