Rising Sun - Take It Casual by Misc Unsigned Bands This is a very simple song from Rising Sun. It uses only 3 chords. It is originally played on electric guitar (clean), but also sounds great on acoustic. Intro/outro: e|-7--7-7--7-7--7-5-3--3--3-3--3-3--3-5-7-| B|-7--7-7--7-7--7-5-3--3--3-3--3-3--3-5-7-| G|-8--8-8--8-8--8-6-4--4--4-4--4-4--4-6-8-| D|-9--9-9--9-9--9-7-5--5--5-5--5-5--5-7-9-| A|-9--9-9--9-9--9-7-5--5--5-5--5-5--5-7-9-| E|-7--7-7--7-7--7-5-3--3--3-3--3-3--3-5-7-| Verses: Verse chords: e|-7---3---5-| B|-7---3---5-| G|-8---4---6-| D|-9---5---7-| A|-9---5---7-| E|-7---3---5-| Strum each of the above chords for a while(listen to the track to figure out which goes where). When you reach the line "...take it casual", go to e|-7- B|-7- G|-8- D|-9- A|-9- E|-7- Verse interludes: e|-7-5-3-| B|-7-5-3-| G|-8-6-4-| D|-9-7-5-| A|-9-7-5-| E|-7-5-3-| That's the whole song. Enjoy. www.TAB6.com