Electric Relaxation by A Tribe Called Quest A tribe Called Quest "Electric Relaxation" Bassist-Ron Carter Standard tuning, played deep and low, right hand way in front of the pickup to try and approximate the sound of an upright. G--------------------------------------------------------------------- D------6-------------------------------------------------------------- A---6------4-6-8-9---7--------------9----8---------------------------- E-----4------------9-----00--4-6--7----6------------------------------ The bass player on this track improvises a little here and there, but hey who doesn't. The open E is something I threw in, it can be played with or without that part but it just seemed to fill nice so there it is. Otherwise, this is the bare bones line from the track, you'll probably have to listen to it a few times to get the timing down, but that's okay 'cause it's a bitchin song. s.mcmahon lowend420@hotmail.com www.TAB6.com