Dudes Of Destiny - Caves Of Mystery by Misc Unsigned Bands G C D A x2 In da big caves of mystery C D A------- C D A------- (Repeat with different lyrics) Der is lots of cool history Der is many jewels and rubies It is a good cave for dudies G C D A E E E E The Cave of Mystery... E E E E Claimed by Dudes of Destiny... E E E E As Old as yeh Great Granny... E E E E The Cave of Mystery! x2 In da strange caves of mystery It is where the demons party You can watch amazing movies It's a good hang-out for dudies E E E E The Cave of Mystery... E E E E Claimed by Dudes of Destiny... E E E E As Old as yeh Great Granny... E E E E The Cave of Mystery! x2 G C D A x2 The Cave of Mystery For Rockstars Olny For Dudies who Party And Homeys who Farty The Cave of Mystery Since time began Before da age of man And the origin of the frying pan Solo with "The Cave of Mystery" echoeing www.TAB6.com