Levittown Is For Lovers by Patent Pending D G Friday left me hopeless Em A Saturday left my scared D G Sundy dorve my crazy Em A Monday just reminded me that I'm still here D G Em Every word you say is like a bullet to my brain A I'm posied for the attack of words but you're drawing blood again D G Call the FBI and get the CIA Em A let them know that i'm coming back today D G It probably doesn't matter Em A they cut the search team long ago D G they said the case was hopeless Em A and my family just let go D G the days are growing warmer Em A the ice is wearing thin D G I can't wait for these games to end Em A and my new world can begin D G I need you now Em A like the stars needs the moon D G I have my witts about me Em A and i sewar I'm leaving soon D G So hjold on for your life Em A cuase it's a roller coasters end D G Em tell me how much longer did you think A i would pretend D G Em So now it's back to the start again www.TAB6.com