22 Grand Job by The Rakes Not entirely happy with the tab already here for the main riff, so here's my go. E|-------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------| G|-------------------------------------| D|------------9-11-9-------------------| A|-7h9--9h11--------11-9-7-----7-9-7---| E|------------------------9-7-9--------| The verse is all just open E on bass. The keychange is exactly the same pattern but a fret higher, so - E|-------------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------------| G|-------------------------------------------| D|------------10-12-10-----------------------| A|-8h10--10h12--------12-10-8-------8-10-8---| E|---------------------------10-8-10---------| The last time he plays it he slows it down at the end. The little chord played at the end is just E|--- B|-8- G|-8- D|--- A|--- E|--- Cheers www.TAB6.com