Ramblin Man by The Allman Brothers Band

RAMBLIN' MAN (Dickey Betts)
 bass: || d             |  c#           | c      -  c       |b-g 
Intro: || G5   		| A7	        | c     -  D7       | g    |
               Original:|D7              |
||g         | Fmaj7             |g    - G7sus     | g             |        
Lord, I was born a ramblin' man,
|g                       |c               | D7    |  */*  |       
try to make a living and doing the best I can 
|c                  | g          | Em           |C(maj7)    
But when it's time for leaving, I hope you'll understand,
|g               |D7                  | g   - G7sus | g         ||
That I was born a ramblin' man.

||g            | Fmaj7         |g   -  G7sus | g    |       
My father was a gambler down in Georgia,
  | g             |c             |D7   |  */*  | 
He wound up on the wrong end of a gun. 
   | c               | g       |Em    |Cmaj7)|                              
And I was born in the back seat of a .. Greyhound  bus,  
| g             | D7           |g  -  G7sus  |g            ||
   Rolling down   highway forty-one.

CHORUS +  Intro + Solo over het schema.

I'm on my way to New Orleans this morning,
Leaving out of Nashville,Tennessee. 
They're always having a good time down on the Bayou of Long Horn, Them Delta-women think the world of me.

Solos over;||: g	   | Fmaj7	| g  - G7sus	| g       	:||      

Accoorden: Paul Toepoel the Netherlands
