The Nips Are Getting Bigger by Mental As Anything *** THE NIPS ARE GETTING BIGGER (M.Plaza) *** Note: Here's just a guide to the bass tab. Chords throughout verse/chorus are simply: | G | G | C | C D (on last beat)| VERSE I and III: The bass varies around this pattern. g-|---12---11--9--------------------------------| d-|---------------12-------10-10--------10--12--| a-|------------------9/12---------7--7----------| e-|---------------------------------------------| G G C C D VERSE II and CHORUS: Tend to bounce on the root note of the chord: GUITAR RIFF: g-|-----------------|---------------|-----|------| d-|-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-|-5-5-5-5-0---5-|-----|------| a-|-----------------|---------------|-3*--|-3--5-| e-|-----------------|---------------|-----|------| G G D G C C *Song Finishes on C Andrew Bee []