Rooftop by Melissa Mcclelland This whole song is finger picking. It's really easy and it consists of like 6 chords. Always strum ur bass note of the song first. keep ur middle, ring & index fingers on the three strings. so the pattern is... bass note, index, and then ring & middle [last two strings] are played together. VERSE: Em, Em+d [standard Em chord, press down second string, third fret with pinky], C... CHORUS: Am D G I am playing God Am D G [walkdown to...] C I am raising hell as far as I can tell Em I am all alone C Alone in this world D G Alone witDh you Everything, verse 2 & tht rest of the choruses are exactly the same. I hope this isn't confusing. If it is, email me @ or IM me @ BJA IS OXYGEN.