Problems Posing As Solutions by Mclusky mclusky - problems posing as solutions tabbed by kevin ryan ( Intro: let notes ring-----> --------------> E [---------------------------------------] B [---------------------------------------] G [---12------------------9---------------] D [---12------------------9---------------] A [---10------------------7---------------] E [---0-------------------0---------------] Verse is just feedback And i'm glad your dead E [-----0----0--0--0------- B [-----0----0--0--0------- G [-----9b---9b-9b-9b--etc- D [-0->->->->->->->->------ A [-0->->->->->->->->------ E [-0->->->->->->->->------ i know the above part isn't right but its as damn close as i could get it just play the open strings then bend the E a few times anyone who has something any better please mail me E [---0---0---0---0---] B [---12--11--10--8---] x2 G [-------------------] play each note 8 times except for final time play [-0-] 3 times then bend 8 on 4th [-8-] (hope that made some sense)