Wave Motion Gun by Marcy Playground I hate it when all I can find are chord tabs to songs, which are no fun to learn or So here is my first work in progress. I'll keep updating it. Basically, all that is left out the Bridge, which I may just leave up to you to figure out. verse e -0--------------| B --------------0-| G -----8---2------| D 6--6---------4--| A -------04-42----| E ----------------| chorus e -------------------------| B -------------------------| G --6-------------44444444-| D -6----6---7---2-44444444-| A 4----6---7---2--22222222-| E ----4---5---0------------| back to verse chorus at end e -----------------| B -----------------| G -66--------------| D -66-666-7762-222-| A -44-666-7762-222-| E ----444-5540-000-| in one big... e ----------------| B ----------------| G 666-------------| D 666-666-777-222-| A 444-666-777-222-| E ----444-555-000-| gun!... e ----------------| B ----------------| G 4444444444444444 D 4444444444444444 A 2222222222222222 E ---------------- oo oo oo... e ----------------| B ----------------| G 22222222--------| D 2222222222222222 A 0000000022222222 E --------00000000 repeat till end I'm also open to suggestions since there are other ways to play this. www.TAB6.com